For as long as I can remember I've been obsessed with handbags. My first ever grown-up purchase was a Prada square from Joseph. I still clearly recall the buzz of strutting into Condé Nast (where I was working at the time) carrying my new purchase, feeling like the cat's pyjamas. (And yes, The Devil Really Did Wear Prada. Trusstttttt. She liked a lot of Ralph Lauren too. Anyway). Fast forward to 2016 and sadly, bag purchasing now requires a lot more thought and lot less whim. Last year I treated myself to a Céline, and this year I've also ordered a mini-bucket from Mansur Gavriel (which won't arrive til February or March); so another new baby to add to my collection was the last thing on my mind when I was browsing Net-A-Porter a few days ago. But. There it was. In stock. An APC Demi-Lune. I've been chasing this beauté for quite some time and it's pretty much never available. When the Euro was a bit higher last summer I tried to buy one from France, but to no avail. So when I spied it I knew I had to act quick. And the very next day I happily found myself in the Half-Moon club. I'm as broke AF but I freakin' J'adore it. Are you weak like me? Feel free to confess all, you're amongst friends :)
Bag- A.P.C.
uhhhhh as a broke student i'm counting down the days till i can get a celine or chanel! love the apc bag selection these days x
ReplyDeleteIt's such a stunning bag!
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ReplyDeleteThis bag is life... jus' sayin. xx
ReplyDeleteKeep sharing more.